Donations are accepted at any time of the year at Northern Choral Society, PO Box 842, Watertown,NY 13601. If you wish to have your donation noted in the program you can donate at the following levels: 1. Friend ($25-$49) 2. Contributor ($50 -$99) 3. Donor ($100-$249) 4. Patron ($250-$499) 5. Sponsor ($500-$999) 6. Underwriter ($1000-$1500) 7. Benefactor ($1500 & above)
Ads are accepted for the program up the second Friday in November. Ad levels are: 1. 1/8 page ($75) 2. ¼ page ($135) 3. ½ page ($250) 4. Full page ($400) 5. Inside back cover ($1000)